The blog piece I will speak about
comes from the Dallas Morning News an opinion piece written by Tod Robberson on
October 14, 2014 which he titles it “In black and white: New study shows racialskew in police use of lethal force.”
In this piece Robberson focuses on
the actions called by American policemen with the decisions that have left
death being the main choice to how to correctly respond to potential assault. The
article begins with some public events that have been happening in the states
like the Ferguson tragedy and the Wal-Mart accident, showing that not all that
were killed were attacking our policemen. Then the article moves on to provide
some the statistics provided by ProPublica. Just to share a bit of the research
it showed there has been 1,217 fatal police shootings between 2010 and 2012,
the ages between 15 and 19 were killed that were black. Rate showed 31.17 per million
compared to the white race which was 1.47 per million. Not all officers were
white some black officers. I believe that audience that Robberson is wanted to
reach is mainly blacks not just teens but the parents of those teens, and not
just blacks but some our other minorities. In the
article I think another audience he also like catch attention of is the
policemen and how their represented, being that this is officers of any race
doing numbers in the murder rates. When reading the article you can
say it is well articulated, research has been done and it provides plentiful information
for the readers. I believe that as he targets his audiences, that the solution
provided is meant to be an eye opener as well as a motivation for the readers. It
was suggested that United States should review the training for our police
force. Personally in school I was taught that Police are meant to serve and
protect you as an American. However in reality it has shown otherwise because
even if you run being in such situation, showing your back which shows no threat
you can be shot, and more than once until you’re dead. The statics aligned with
personal experience, and tragic stories can put truth into you knowledge.
Towards the end of the article he
shares a story of personal experience of an Afghan story that could have easily
in our state turned into another murder but it was easily settled by quick
thinking with a better ending. This article I believe grabs your full attention
and also makes you think why it should be legal to kill because you have on the
badge to do so, then having leading thoughts to if they are protecting us then
who will protect us from them. The article in my opinion is informative and if
you have time I recommend to go read it no matter what of ethnicity background.