Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Marijuana Marijuana

My colleague Mrs. Tran Say “No” To Marijuana caught my attention. On my last blog “Texas and their Cannabis” I wrote about how Texas has put Marijuana reform back on the agenda for 2015.  In Tran’s argument she say’s Texas should have not inference with distribution of recreational marijuana. My thoughts on the argument is that I almost totally disagree with her reasoning on why they should not legalize it. With my last blog my ideas almost clearly shows that agree to legalization for marijuana in Texas and why I am disagreeing.
The statement marijuana is considered unhealthy, was the first red flag I put up. However this can be considered a false statement, it has been proven to be good for the body. Some of the most know examples is it treats glaucoma, reduces epileptic seizures, stops cancer from spreading, decrease anxiety, even can protects the brain after strokes. All those can be found proven true, and 18 more can be found on businessinsider. In most cases it’s the actual wrapping of the cannabis “swishers” that are unhealthy and what is addictive because of the tobacco it contains. As the article continues, she gives a creditable source the NCADD and talks about related issues with illegal drugs. The crimes listed can be found to be very true, but has been highly unlikely to be the case from someone smoking weed.  Tran did a great job on giving research and findings on what people have to say on why it should remain illegal. However I strongly believe the information is just not creditable or reasonable. The cases that are linked to dangerous actions being taken under the influence, but none of the cases reported are from them being in their natural form.

                I personally do not smoke cannabis, but I am for legalization for the substance. It has proven to be good for the body. Like anything else marijuana can have some negative affects to a human, but so does eating too much gluten. Her argument was taken to dramatic levels on it not being good, I believe that the statements made can suit better on why there should be “No Legalization of alcohol”. This was just a bit ironic for a person that agrees with people having the choice to free of what they do to their bodies in on another topic. Like any other substance there should be rules and regulations to how much to have and when to use. To say crimes and accidents will increase just because it becomes legal, is a big overstatement.  If people are too busy being happy, when will they have time to commit those crimes? In conclusion it was very well written, but the reasoning was better fit for a completely different argument.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Texas and their Cannabis

Living in the land of the free and the home of the brave, but there can be a price to pay when you get caught with a little cannabis.  Not every state is against the medical marijuana usage. Surprising Texas is one of the states that is coming to a head with being okay with reforming ideas around this green leafy substance. Texas has puts Marijuana reform back on the agenda for 2015, which is just a few months away. Many are still against the ideal of making it legal here in state, it just being a gateway for more trouble. However there has been total opposite opinions to that, this time is being brought up in politics.

Texas being so close to Mexico with all there drug trafficking, some say this could be a way to lessen the danger that it has caused in the states. Also with the reform talks, attention has been brought about when to actually criminalize someone for the amounts on how much marijuana there holding possession of when caught with it. It is said a person of a first time offender with less than 2 grams of the substance can be let go with no corrective action.  Personally I feel that’s a reasonable response, corrective actions and conviction time is an over the top reaction to something that can be considerably petty. Looks like we are taking baby steps towards a full on legalization of the substance, but that could be a good thing when introducing something people are so opionnated about. This can just get the idea through the door and began to better inform the public about the good use of the substance and that it’s not all bad compared to some legal uses we have currently. If you would like become more informed about information there is a site you can visit about the use and reform. (Mainstreet)

For this to be such a big and important topic to many, nothing has officially be released that bills or laws will be made or changed anytime soon. Many will continue to privately practice this substance in their homes and elsewhere. Others will continue spread news against this reform, but baby steps aren’t looking too bad for supporters.