Monday, December 1, 2014

Could Hopes turn into our New Reality

The 2014 election has come and left us right in front of our eyes, unfortunately this did not place Wendy Davis in office. Although this placed Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick in the two seats, this did not steal the hope for women in Texas.
           According to Natalie San Luis on the burnt orange report, she titles “The Election WasJust the Beginning: The Future of Women’s Rights in Texas.” Luis says this has created a foundation for future support for the candidates, and likeminded candidates. It has also created growth for collaborations between supportive organizations. I agree that this is not a total lost, it may have not put them office currently but it has definitely created a place for women to grow in politics. My personal belief is that Texas would like to seek change and have people in office like Wendy Davis and Leticia. However Texans may not be as ready as they think they are. Most current holders consist of republicans and many that have just won and were voted in are republicans.  It was not spoke on much in the article. However it is very relative to this article on who is currently in office and the opposite which are the democrats that are trying to win office. So this can be easily said that she had a loss from the beginning, but it stirred much more potential then I think many would like to have predicted. San Luis brings credibility to her article by noting Colleen Loper, Campaigns Director for Annie’s List, and how she agrees that the “organization recruited women to run in competitive legislative races and secured more female campaign managers then recent legislative cycles.”
             Hopes turned into reality, is what we could be saying here in a few years. San Luis tells us that the TWVP is working on creating more ways to encourage Texans to get out there and actually vote. Why the encouragement is growing for voters, so are women to run for office and join on ballots. They have seen a growth from 150 to a 1000 here recently for ladies. This has certainly opened the door for Women and our views showing importance that we need to play for ourselves in government. If we are voting I agree that we should be voting for someone that understands or can at least closely relate to the life of being a woman. With some time given and if the trainings continue to happen on how to correctly represent ourselves(not just having a male answer to questions) this will correctly lead women and democrats with like views to actually win on the ballots in Texas. San Luis could have tied in her comments on what Greg Abbott will not be doing in office when starting in January, like how he will not be dealing with the much touchy subject of women’s clinics. Overall the article reminds you that all hope is not lost, but it can leave you wanting more to the story. Meanwhile it can be encouraging and inspiring to not give up and continue to vote and research to share more information to get women in office.

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